Is this baby super-human or what?

When big brother gets stuck in the grass while driving his battery-operated ride-on car, his diaper-wearing baby brother comes to the rescue. Just as the older brother begins to get upset about his predicament, baby brother begins to push the car backward. This ultimately gets him unstuck. Baby brother watches to make sure he's truly free, and then goes back to playing on his toddler slide.

Now that's brotherly love.

How often are we stuck in life and need the aid of another to help us? Do we ask for help? Does it sometimes seem that people are "sent" to help us when we need it most?

It's hard to accept help sometimes. Usually this is either because of pride or not wanting to bother someone else with our problems. However, most of us are happy to come to the aid of someone in need. We need to be willing to acknowledge when we need some help and then allow others to step in and serve. Letting someone help us actually helps the other individual as well.

To help others, we simply need to recognize a need and then take action to help out appropriately. Here are "6 ways to help others." Helping others is about doing for others what you would likely appreciate being done for you in the same circumstance. By being mindful and thinking of others' needs, we can become a human angel, rushing in to help those around us.

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